Principal's Message

Ophir STEAM Academy is a hidden gem in the hills of Placer County. Our school community is dedicated to providing our students with a well-rounded educational experience, with an emphasis on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/ASL, and Math). When visiting our beautiful school campus, you will see that we are a vibrant and engaging community of teachers and learners.

We believe in the traditions that foster a safe, inclusive environment for all students. While you are on campus, be sure to look for signs of our core values: Creativity, Achievement, Responsibility, Empathy and Safety (C.A.R.E.S.).

To our families, we believe that your involvement is an essential component to the academic success of your child. The following are some ways to be involved in your child's education:

  • Talk with your child everyday about his or her daily school experiences
  • Set high standards for the work that is performed 
  • Attend and participate in school events
  • Keep in close touch with the teacher and communicate, communicate, communicate
  • Let us know how we can best meet the needs of your child
  • Join our Ophir PTC

I have always believed that Ophir is truly a special place to be, and I am honored to be in a position to positively impact the lives of students, staff, and families.

Kate Nettnay, Principal
Ophir STEAM Academy