Mission & Vision

School Mission

As a caring staff, working in partnership with the community, we are committed to the following:
  • Providing a rigorous and relevant curriculum through the implementation of the California Common Core State       Standards (including the Standards for Mathematical Practice and the College and Career Readiness Standards)
  • Developing the Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts/American Sign Language, and Math (S.T.E.A.M.) program
  • Utilizing a Multi-Tiered System of Support which focuses on the analysis of student assessment data to provide differentiated learning opportunities (intervention and enrichment) based upon individual student needs (academic, social and emotional)
  • Living by the Ophir Core Values (C.A.R.E.S.) of creativity, achievement, responsibility, empathy and safety.
  • Promoting the life-long learning of teachers and staff as evidenced through their continued professional growth and development
  • Providing regular collaboration opportunities for teachers and support staff to analyze student data, identify targeted and specific supports for the continued growth and learning of all students, and to promote best instructional practices
  • Promoting the Ophir traditions that foster a safe, happy and inclusive school climate for all students
School Vision
To provide a safe, supportive and inclusive environment that empowers every student to become a life-long learner who develops their creative potential, their critical thinking and problem-solving skills, and their collaboration and communication skills to become responsible individuals within the community.
Please see the Site and Safety Plans in the tabs to the right.