
Homework does not have to be a chore.  It can be fun.  It can also be an opportunity to spend valuable 1-on-1 time with your child.   The attitude your child takes with regard to homework will be a mirror image of the one that you, the parent, have.  So, if you look at homework as something that is “tedious” or that should “just get done,” your child will view it the same way.  For your child’s sake, please spend quality time with them and sit with them to ensure they are taking care to complete their homework to the best of their ability.  Do not do the work for them, but instead ask probing questions such as "How did you get that answer?" or "Can you explain your thinking to me?"  It is so very important for your child to articulate their answers and their problem solving strategies.  Your patience and  the attention you give them as they learn will sow the seeds for immediate and future success.  So, enjoy the learning process.  Marvel at the curiosity and the creativity of your child.  And help them to know that at the end of the day, their best effort is all you ask of them.